Govt J Buana College -NCC
The National Cadet Corps, Govt J.Buana College Unit was established in 2023 . The strength of the unit is 20.
The CTOs are:
1. Dr. Mikael L Chuaungo
2. Vanlalremruati Khiangte
NCC Activities
Pledge of NCC
“We the cadets of the national cadet corps, do solemnly pledge that we shall always uphold the unity of India. We resolve to be disciplined and responsible citizens of our nation. We shall undertake positive community service in the spirit of selflessness and concern for our fellow beings”
NCC Flag:

The NCC flag for various units was first introduced in 1951. The flag was of same pattern, colour and size as was used by various regiments of the Army. The only difference was that it had the NCC badge and unit designation placed in the centre. Later on, it was felt that the flag should be in keeping with the inter-service character of the Corps. In 1954 the existing tricolour flag was introduced. The three colours in the flag depict the three services of the Corps, red for the Army, deep blue for the Navy & light blue for the Air Force. The letters NCC & the NCC crest in gold in the middle of the flag encircled by a wreath of lotus, give the flag a colourful look & a distinct identity.
Role of NCC:
1. To train students in developing qualities like social service, team spirit, leadership, discipline and self-confidence.
2. To develop national spirit among the students.
3. To make the cadets acquaint with the Army/ Air Force and Navy.
4. To make the cadets better citizens.
5. To inculcate spirit of adventure amongst the cadets.
Senior Division and Senior Wing
1. ‘C’ Certificate is the highest recognition of training and qualification of a Senior NCC cadet
2. ‘B’ Certificate is the initial recognition of training and qualification of a Senior NCC cadet
Regular activities are being imparted to the cadets as per the syllabus framed by the NCC Directorate for North Eastern Region. Some of them are;
· Drill
· Rifle Drill
· Map Reading
· Weapon Training
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