Best Practices

Mentoring System
The institution has been practicing the Mentoring system for some years and it remains one of the best practices of the institution. The goal of this practice is the upliftment of students, not just in the academic sphere but also in the social and personal sphere. The Mentoring system also strives to improve the work culture of the students and create better teacher-student relationship. Under this system, students are divided into groups and are supervised by a teacher who is their mentor. The mentor meets with his/her wards from time to time to monitor their progress, academic and otherwise. The Mentor brings the parents/guardians of his/her wards on board by arranging meetings with them to monitor their progress. The Mentors provide support to the students in various ways, encouraging, counseling, and even reprimanding them when necessary. This greatly improves the engagement of students in their studies. This practice has resulted in lower drop-out rates and improved academic performance over the years.

Course in Computer Concept (CCC)
The institution introduced the CCC course in collaboration with National Institute of Electronics and Information Technology (NIELIT) with the aim of producing computer literate graduates. Since today’s world has become a digitized world, the youth have to equip themselves with technological know- how in order to be employable. A CCC certificate has now become mandatory for recruitment to ministerial and teaching jobs in the government. Hence, the CCC course offered in the college ensures that when students complete their three-year degree course, they leave the college armed with a degree and a certificate in computer concepts. Students enjoy the benefit of the course for it equips them to make better use of the e-resources available. The course also boosts their confidence and increases their employment chances after passing out of the college. 

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